If you take the horoscope for marriage and look at the astrologers, they will first see if the Guru has come to fruition. Marriage yoga will come together only if the Guru is strong. Get the Guru Blessing.
Guru Bhagavan is currently traveling in the 11th position of profit according to the masculinity of time. When the Kotsara Guru comes in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th place of one’s zodiac, we say Guru Palan. The Guru in Aquarius sees Gemini in his fifth vision, Leo in his seventh vision and Libra in his ninth vision. Guru has benefited from this view for Gemini, Leo and Libra zodiac signs.
In addition, the Guru has benefited from the view of the seventh house for Aries, the seventh house for Sagittarius, and the seventh house for Aquarius. In addition, the Guru’s vision has benefited the zodiac signs of Taurus, Virgo and Cancer, which fall on the family position.
Benefits of Kurupalan
If the Guru is strong in one’s horoscope, more auspicious things will happen to him. Increase happiness in the family. Guru Gobind Singh Ji will be strongest when he travels in 2,5,7,9,11 places from the zodiac. Guru’s vision will bring blessings. Removes bugs.
Benevolence will lend a hand
During the Guru’s fortnightly travels to places 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, amenities such as economic superiority and marriage are handed over. Everything will be better, like the blessing of the Buddha. The Guru comes and sits in one’s zodiac once in 12 years.
Guru view on domain position
For those of marriageable age, when the Guru’s vision comes to the forefront, marriage will surely come in handy during that period. Similarly if the vision of the Guru is in the position of the Buddha. The child will get wealth during that period of consecration for that horoscope. Due to this Guru shift, Guru strength has come to Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius zodiac signs and marriage yoga is going to come together. Guru travels to the second house for Capricorns so auspicious events including marriage and sonhood will take place for Capricorns.
The direction of the Guru who gives Raja Yoga
If the Guru’s direction is held for one, he will come in search of Raja Yoga. If a strong guru direction takes place at a young age, he will achieve excellence in education. A better marriage is possible if it takes place at the age of marriage. Economic growth will occur. Name and fame in the society will take place if it takes place in the end times. Peace and happiness are obtained by the Buddhas.
Remedy for you guilt
Marriage may be delayed if the Guru’s grace is not complete in a horoscope. Or there may be unhappiness in married life or the inability to have children. This grievance can be remedied through some remedies and throughout. You can participate in the Guru Tosha Nivardhi Yagya held at the Dhanwantari Health Faculty, Walajapet to get rid of the Guru Toshas and get the benefits.