Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called on all to say goodbye to chemical fertilizers and return to natural agriculture.
Speaking at a conference on natural agriculture hosted by the Government of Gujarat, Prime Minister Modi said in a video conference: Until the 100th year of independence, the agricultural system must be adapted to meet the needs and new challenges of the journey. The Central Government has taken several measures in the last 6 to 7 years from seed to agricultural market to increase the income of farmers.
From soil testing to hundreds of new seeds, the Prime Minister’s Kisan Samman Fund has set a minimum support price of 1.5 times the cost of agricultural production, ranging from irrigation to the Kisan Rail.
Let’s connect with nature
We need to recover agriculture from the chemical laboratory and link it to the natural laboratory. The natural laboratory is based entirely on science.
As the world turns to the present sophisticated religion, it goes back to the basics. We reconnect with the old system. This is well understood by farming friends.
Ancient agricultural knowledge
The crop grows well when more water is applied to the roots. We must not only re-learn ancient agricultural knowledge but also adapt it to modern times. We need to do new research in this regard.
We need to adapt our ancient agricultural knowledge to the modern scientific framework. We need to be aware of ancient agricultural knowledge. Experts have warned that putting straw in the ground and burning the land will affect its yield potential. But the straw burning trend continues.
Dangerous chemical
Crops will not grow well if there is no chemical. But the truth is completely opposite. In the past there were no chemicals but the harvest was good. The history of human development has seen this visually.
We must learn new things and avoid the misguided practices that destroy our agriculture. The Agricultural Research Council of India and the Agricultural Science Centers should play a key role in this regard.
Beneficial natural agriculture
About 80% of those who benefit the most from organic farming will be farmers with less than two hectares of land. Most farmers spend more on chemical fertilizers. Their condition will improve if they return to organic farming.
Natural agriculture and the people’s movement
Every state government should come forward to transform natural agriculture into a people’s movement. Efforts should be made to link at least one village in each panchayat with nature agriculture.
At the Climate Change Summit, we called on the nations of the world to adapt their way of life to the environment. Life is a global project.
India and its farmers are set to lead the way in this regard in the 21st century. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of independence we must pledge to liberate the land of India from chemicals and pesticides. Thus Prime Minister Modi addressed.