In the wake of delivering a small teaser of Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan’s Vikram Vedha, the creators have dropped the primary official trailer of the film, which is 2 minutes and 34 seconds in length. The trailer provides us with a brief look at the first class and very much-arranged activity scenes. The activity is upheld by’seeti-maar’ exchanges and a banger of a foundation score, in this manner promising unadulterated masala diversion.
Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan are both in excellent condition. As Vikram and Vedha, Saif and Hrithik draw you in with their charming onscreen presence as they manage the ethical compass fight between what is fortunate and unfortunate. “It’s all dark,” the trailer says, and the narrator legitimizes the assertion. The team Pushkar-Gayathri coordinated the film. For those ignorant, the film is an authoritative Hindi remake of the Tamil film Vikram Vedha, which featured Vijay Sethupathi and R Madhavan.
Hrithik and Saif’s cooperative energy in the trailer is unmissable. Their run-pursuit science appears to be encouraging, and their spectacular screen presence just makes the trailer a hit. Radhika Apte’s presence in the trailer is practically similar to a flicker and miss. Be that as it may, we trust the film has more meat for her exhibition. In the meantime, considering that the film is a redo, correlations are unavoidable.
In the interim, talking about Vikram Vedha, the film is an activity spine chiller loaded up with exciting bends in the road. Extreme cop Vikram (Saif Ali Khan) embarks on a mission to track and pursue a feared hoodlum, Vedha (Hrithik Roshan). The film follows Vedha—an expert narrator, who assists Vikram with stripping back layers through a progression of stories, prompting intriguing moral ambiguities. Vikram Vedha will be delivered on September 30, 2024.