The man in Andhra Pradesh’s Nellore locale was captured by the police for directing a ‘dark wizardry ceremony’ on his 3-year-old little girl, because of which the kid kicked the bucket. As per the police, Venugopal, the dad, led the customs at his home in Perareddypally town, accepting that it would drive away detestable powers liable for the misfortunes in his business. Venugopal had poured turmeric water on his little girl as a component of the custom. Police are additionally examining to check whether the youngster’s mouth was loaded down with kumkum (red turmeric powder), prompting her suffocation.
As indicated by the police, Venugopal had strangled the youngster with his uncovered hands. After things turned out badly, Venugopal’s senior girl ran out of the house, crying. The neighbors, who saved the more youthful little girl, rushed her to the emergency clinic. Since the kid’s condition was serious, she was moved to a medical clinic in Chennai. However, she kicked the bucket on Thursday morning, June 16.
As per Atmakur Police Station sub-overseer, Shivshanker, “By all appearances, there is no godman in this episode. The dad used to frequently let his family know that the ‘Shani’ (Saturn) wasn’t great. Indeed, even upon the arrival of the episode, he said a similar line and afterward chose to do the puja to dispose of the “Shani.” A body of evidence was enrolled against the youngster’s dad, Venugopal, under Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code. Venugopal, who was occupied with selling blocks, endured misfortunes, which he accepted were because of’malicious powers’.
In this way, he purportedly played out a “dark wizardry ceremony” on his 3-year-old little girl, which he accepted would drive the “malicious powers” away. Nonetheless, she kicked the bucket while going through treatment, and Venugopal was captured for homicide.