A 23-year-old Kerala trekker who had been fighting for his life for about 40 hours after slipping into a hill cleft in Malampuzha town, Palakkad district has been rescued. The rescue operation was carried out by the Indian Army and NDRF teams.
The rescue effort was resumed on Wednesday morning after being stopped on Tuesday. On Tuesday, an NDRF team had tried to reach the spot for rescuing the youth but were failed in doing it.
Yesterday, a rescue team of the Indian army reached the trekker and gave water to him.
A resident of Malampuzha, R. Babu had slipped into the cleft while descending and since then, the search and rescue operation has been ongoing.
As per the pictures and videos posted online, an injured Babu was seen sitting in a narrow nook between rocks.
Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan had sought the Army’s help to rescue Babu.
On Monday afternoon, Babu and two others were climbing the Kurumbachi hill. His friends failed to ascend the slope and hence returned halfway. On the other hand, Babu managed to get to the top but slid on the way back and stranded between the rock.