What to eat? What not to eat …in the rainy season
Although the rainy season is a happy time for many, it is also a time of fear for many. If you want to avoid rainy season infections, you need to follow a proper diet. So let’s learn about foods to eat in the rainy season and foods to avoid.
The rainy season is the time to refresh the people who are suffering from the summer heat. With the onset of the monsoon season, there is a fear of infection. Rainy season infections are especially prevalent in children and adolescents. Still, others are at risk of infection even from certain foods eaten during the rainy season. For example, children can get infections like colds and flu from foods like ice cream and cake during the rainy season. Avoid such foods as soon as the rainy season begins.
Most infections during the rainy season are caused by mosquitoes. Mosquito bites can cause infections such as malaria, jaundice, dengue, encephalitis, chikungunya, and Zika virus. Infection caused by mosquitoes can lower your immune system. During the rainy season, you need to take a balanced diet to keep the body healthy and protect yourself from disease.
Clean water
Some homes still drink kitchen tap water and borewell water directly. Although it is good water, borewell water like that can be easily polluted by germs during the rainy season. Drinking this water can cause stomach ache, diarrhea or typhoid fever.
Avoid spicy, oily foods
All of us like to eat hot baguettes, patties or samosas when it rains. But such foods should not contain too much oil and salt. Eating foods high in salt or oil during the rainy season can cause stomach problems.
Avoid greens
Lettuce is the food that everyone recommends as a healthy diet. But green leafy greens top the list of foods to avoid during the rainy season. This is because greens, which are high in hydration, can cause you colds. It is better to avoid not only spinach but also foods like cabbage and cauliflower during the rainy season.
Intake spicy tea
Spicy tea made with spices like basil, ginger and cardamom can help boost your immune system. This spice tea also helps to prevent all kinds of infections.
Eat only freshly cooked food
Although salads are always healthy and nutritious, eating them during the rainy season can lead to various health problems. This is because of the high content of microorganisms in vegetables due to dirt. This can lead to gastric and intestinal problems. As well as avoiding eating old foods. Also, avoid eating seafood during the rainy season.
Spices such as turmeric, pepper, and cloves have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding these to your diet will protect you from infection. In addition, these spices help to reduce symptoms such as colds and flu and boost the immune system.