Delhi, According to sources, the Trinamool Congress will not attend any Congress party meetings before the winter session of parliament begins on Monday. Because the BJP and the Congress are fighting each other in Goa, the Goa unit of their respective parties wants to avoid any direct meetings.
Leaders of the Trinamool Congress who did not want to be identified said opposition unity would be on display on the floor of the house, but attendance at morning meetings and being seen together would be difficult.
Mallikarjun Kharge, the Opposition Leader, has scheduled a meeting of all opposition parties for Monday morning in his office. He cited the monsoon session’s success in uniting all parties as to the reason, and he is expected to build consensus ahead of the winter session. The Congress has claimed that the Trinamool is assisting the BJP by weakening their own party, but the Trinamool claims that they cannot be blamed for doing so because everyone has seen how West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has fought the BJP in her state.
If the Trinamool Congress does not attend the meeting, other non-UPA parties, such as the Aam Aadmi Party and the Samajwadi Party, may follow suit. While the majority of opposition parties worked together to stall parliament in order to force a debate on Pegasus snooping, the Bahujan Samaj Party was conspicuously absent.
The Trinamool Congress has successfully recruited Congress leaders in Goa and Meghalaya, effectively reducing the Congress’s presence in these two states where the Congress has been calling for opposition unity.
At least 12 of Meghalaya’s 17 Congress representatives have joined Mamata Banerjee’s party. The Trinamool Congress gained ground on the Congress in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar as well.