Gangubai Kathiawadi: The Sanjay Leela Bhansali directional Gangubai Kathiawadi movie’s trailer is set to release on 4th February. This movie stars Alia Bhatt in the lead role and fans are waiting to see a glimpse of the trailer. Ajay Devgn who is an integral part of the movie took his social media handle and shared his look from the Gangubai Kathiawadi.
In the poster, we can see Ajay Devgn wearing a formal white shirt and beige colored pants with black bells. The actor has paired up the look with a grey jacket and a brown Nehru cap. His dapper look will make fans more excited for the trailer.
Last year, the makers of Gangubai Khatiawadi announced that Ajay Devgn will be part of the movie. Meanwhile, the Gangubai Kathiawadi movie is set to release on 25th February 2024.