Actor Sonam Kapoor and her husband Anand Ahuja’s Delhi residence was allegedly robbed of Rs. 2.04 crores, police told on Saturday. The house is near Amrita Shergill Marg.
According to the police, the robbery took place on February 11, and the manager of the administration of the house lodged the complaint on February 23, and no arrest has been made by the police yet.
Amrutha Guguloth, DCP (New Delhi), told the media, “We received a complaint from the family claiming that jewelry and cash worth Rs. 2.4 crores had been stolen”.
Teams have been deployed, and an examination of the evidence is in progress. A case under the Indian Penal Code, Sec 381 (theft by clerk or servant of property) was registered at Tughlaq Road police station on the same day and an investigation is underway.
Police said that domestic help or workers at the residence could also be involved in the theft. There are more than 20-25 workers in the house and police have started questioning all of them.
Police further said that the case has been transferred to special staff in New Delhi and they have started the investigation.
The couple lives in London. Last month, she announced her pregnancy. She shared a series of pictures with her husband on her Instagram Handle on March 21.