Mangoes are more delicious fruits. The exotic flavor and sweet taste make it a favorite for all. But for some reasons like maintaining blood sugar levels, most people ditch the mangoes. As per the recent study, eating the newly developed ‘Arunika’ mangoes can help in lowering sugar levels. Here are the things about this unique mango variant that everyone must know.
Mango can control Diabetes?
Here is some good news to all those who are not eating mangoes because of their health issues. The CISH (Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture), Lucknow has developed healthier mango varieties with bio-active compounds including anti-cancerous properties.
Features of Arunika
Director of CISH, Shailendra Rajan, said, “This is a major breakthrough for us. In the so many mango varieties, the researchers found CISH-developed ‘Arunika’ was so rich in bio-active compounds which includes mangiferin and lupeol content.”
He then added, “The red-blushed Arunika has so many medicinal properties. Whatever the bio-active compounds present in this mango variety lowers blood glucose levels by preventing glucose absorption in the intestine, whereas the Mangiferin helps in protecting against colon and breast cancer.”
All about unique medicinal mango
The CISH developed another variety of mango named ‘Saheb Pasand’, which was high in lupeol content and the sweetest variety of mango. The compound is known for a wide range of pharmacological activities against so many kinds of diseases conditions like arthritis, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, microbial infections, and cancer. Rajan said the institute was ready with the variety, however, the pulp testing was still on to compare other kinds of mangoes with these hybrid mangoes in terms of medicinal content.
He said that the cultivation of these varieties of mango would produce better income for the farmers and health benefits to the consumers in the future.