Exxaro Tiles IPO quota status, date, GMP today, share price can be checked from here. Get Exxaro Tiles GMP now from this page. As of Friday, July 6, Exxaro Tiles Limited has closed its IPO. There were 22.68 times more subscriptions on NSE for this issue. Those who have subscribed to Exxaro Tiles IPO and want to check their IPO allocation status should know how to do it.
Exxaro Tiles IPO Allocation Status
One needs to Know the full timeline of the IPO Allocation status from the allotment date to the listing date in order to understand this issue better. In this article, we have subscribed a total of 12.18 times on the BSE for all the details like Exxaro Tiles IPO quota level, GMP, share price. There were 22.46 subscriptions from RIIs and 3.94 subscriptions from QIBs. Moreover, it was subscribed 3.35 times by non-institutional investors.
There are two online ways provided to check the IPO allocation status of Exxaro Tiles. To access the BSE website, the user has to log in first and to proceed then. Second, you can log on to the official registrar’s website, Linktime. It is need ed to be noted that if one needs to know the actual Exxaro Tiles IPO allotment status, it can only be accessed or viewed after the share allotment has been announced by the company.
Exxaro Tiles IPO quota status from BSE site
Visit the BSE website page in which you can get started on the IPO Status checking i.e. bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx
Click on ‘Equity’ in the drop-down menu
Now select the IPO name
Need to check application number and PAN number here
Now, the only thing that you need to do at all is to click the search button. Your IPO quota will be displayed.
Exxaro Tiles IPO Assignment Status Link Time
Go to LinkTime IPO Assignment Page ie https://linkintime.co.in/MIPO/Ipoallotment.html
Select the name of the IPO
The application number and PAN number are needed to be entered here for further proceeding
click the search button to begin the search. Exxaro Tiles IPO quota will be screened.
Exxaro Tiles IPO Gray Market Premium
Shares of the company traded lower at Rs 22 on Wednesday. So 2 rupees more than the stock price on Tuesday.
Over the past three days, Exxaro Tiles has seen its IPO gray market premium rise. During this period, the index moved from 16 rs to 22 rs.
About Exxaro Tiles IPO
Exxaro Tiles has 22.68 subscriptions to 1.14 crore shares available for public sale. These services , however, avail on offer from August 4 to August 6, 2024. The stock had a price tag of Rs 118-120 per share. The IPO issue volume for Exxaro Tiles attracted more than 25.96 crore shares as compared to 1.14 crore shares.
Qualified corporate buyers sank 17.67 times over. 5.36 times issues are encountered by the subscribers and by non-institutional investors and 40.10 times by retailers. According to data, 2.53 subscriptions related to employee shares were reported.
Exxaro Tiles Company Profile
Exxaro Tiles is also the manufacturer and seller of the Vitrified floor tiles. Since 2007-08, the business has been producing it. This material is used in the manufacture of tiles, and it is also used in the manufacture of some types of vitrified tiles.
Products are classified into two groups. It consists of vitrified tiles and polished vitrified surfaces. Exxaro is a brand that sells products. There are over 1,000 designs and sizes. Many distributors also get wall tiles from it and its production is outsourced.