The Federal Bureau of Direct Income Tax has extended to September 30 the June 30 income tax filing deadline due to the corona infection. Meanwhile, the Federal Treasury has launched a new income platform at Infosys
But all of a sudden people can’t file a tax return because there are problems with the new income tax website since it was founded. create.
Aware of the people’s plight, the Federal Directive Income Tax Department announced that it will allow them to file their income tax returns until December 31 with the approval of the Union Finance Department.
Corona Infection
The federal government has extended the deadline for filing tax returns for the fiscal year 2020-2024 until September as many people in India face multiple loopholes due to the high rate of corona infection. It has helped ordinary people a lot.
Disturbance to the New Income Base
But despite the introduction of many new services on the new income platform, taxpayers are still forced to file a tax return due to many problems on the website. People from all walks of life are eagerly awaiting the service, especially the new income tax platform, which will deliver faster tax returns.
Extension to December 31
Federal Direct Income Tax Administration announced December 31 as the deadline to file income taxes for the second time, after September 30, due to problems with the tax base new income.
September 15 for Infosys
Meanwhile, during a key meeting between the Federal Treasury Department and Infosys, which created the new income tax platform last week, Infosys vowed to address all of the issues. issues on the new website by September 15.
Major Changes
Not only has the income tax filing deadline extended to December 31, but the Federal Department of Direct Income Tax has extended it. this term a little more.
1. The income tax return for 202422 has been extended until February 15, 2024.
2. The accountant’s filing deadline for transfers and remittances made under 92E have been extended to January 31, 2024.
3. The deadline for submission of audit reports for fiscal year 202024 has been extended to January 15, 2024. It was previously extended to October 31, 2024.
4. Deadline for submission of financial statements clause 202422 or prior to submission of the revised report has been extended until January 30, 2024, while it is now extended until March 31, 2024.
Interest and late fees
Additional fees and late fees have been charged to many taxpayers who filed their income tax returns after 31 July due to a technical issue in the new tax base . The Income Tax Department extended the payment of income tax to September 30 and was fined.
Incorrect calculation
According to the Income Tax Department, this is due to a complete technical problem. Not only that, the company also announced that it will be fully refunded if it collects additional interest and late payment fees when paying income tax for the fiscal year 202024.