At times, one single quotation can change our life, creating wonders. All the negativity, failure and disappointments we have faced may make us feel life as disgusting thing to live but, when we come across some quotation which actually connects with our situation, our subconscious mind starts to think about it and starts adopting it. Here is a compilation of such quotations.
1. Success is 5% Brains and 95% Consistency
How have you ever observed the most successful people in history or the present? Is their success overnight? Just remember the words of Thomas A Edison “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. Failure comes to those who quit when they fall. If you rise back like a wave, you are the winner. Consistency plays the major role here. We all crawl when we are babies, but we try to stand and we fall down a number of times to stand without any support. From the stage of standing we reach to the stage of running, jumping and hopping. This process is not done with the help of the brain but with the help of our consistent efforts. Consistency is what transforms average into excellence.
2. If someone can’t tell you what their flaws are, they have the most dangerous flaws of them all; a lack of self-awareness
It is very important to have self-awareness and self-check. If you don’t like someone doing something, it’s not good to do the same thing to you. We must have all the guts to understand our own short comings, we must keep reviewing ourselves and, if possible, we must find a trusted critic to correct our deficiencies.
3. Someone’s ability to resist material things says more about their character than their ability to obtain them.
If you observe the dressing style of Mark Zukerburg or Bill Gates, they don’t wear costly brands and show off. The value of a person does not increase with the wardrobe they have or the gadgets they use. Material things have to be wisely selected or else we get lost in the craze of upgrading those material objects instead of upgrading ourselves. One has to remember is that the only internal thing in this world is our good deeds.