Malayalam actress and assistant director Ambika Rao (58), who is well-known for her performance in ‘Kumbalangi Nights’ passed away on 27th June (Monday) night, after suffering from a cardiac arrest. According to the reports, Ambika breathed her last around 10.30 pm at a private hospital located in Ernakulam. Reportedly, she was undergoing treatment after contracting Covid-19.
Ambika Rao entered the movie industry as an assistant director with ‘Krishna Gopalakrishna’ (2002) helmed by Balachandra Menon. She has been working in the film industry for nearly two decades and has worked as an assistant director for Rajamanikyam, Thommanum Makkalum, and Vellinakshathram among others. She also acted in many movies including Salt and Pepper, Meesha Madhavan, Tamasha, Anuraga Karikkin Vellam, and Vellam.
Ambika Rao got fame after appearing in Kumbalangi Nights directed by Madhu C Narayanan. 2019 released Kumabalangi Nights features Ambika as the mother of Simmy and Baby, played by Grace Antony and Anna Ben respectively.
Ambika Rao is survived by two children – Sohan and Rahul.