Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor’s brother Siddhant Kapoor has been detained by Bengaluru Police for allegedly consuming drugs at a party on Sunday night in the city, Bengaluru City police’s DCP (east) Bheemashankar S Guled said on Monday.
Acting on a tip-off, the police raided a hotel located on MG Road in the city on Sunday night where a party was hosted.
Samples of people suspected of having consumed drugs were sent for medical tests and six turned positive. In these six, Siddhanth’s sample was also one.
According to the Police sources, police were acting on a tipoff when they raided the private hotel.
“Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor’s brother has been detained by the Police. As of now, his samples have turned positive for drugs. He is one among six people who have consumed drugs,” police sources said.
Police also said it was unclear whether they had consumed drugs at the hotel or had come to the party after consuming drugs outside.
As of now, the son of actor Shakti Kapoor, who is also the brother of actress Shraddha Kapoor, Siddhant Kapoor is in police custody.
In the year 2020, Shraddha Kapoor was among those who were questioned by the NCB (Narcotics Control Bureau) in actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case over alleged possession of drugs.