Taanakkaran Movie 2024: The Vikram Prabhu starrer Taanakkaran movie made its debut on the digital streaming platform Disney+ Hotstar on 8th April 2024. This movie revolves around the RS (Police Recruit School) which talks about Kavvathu training and its competition.
Taanakkaran Movie: Release Date & Platforms
Taanakkaram Movie Release Date is 8th April 2024
Taanakkaran Movie is streaming on the Disney+ Hotstar platform
About Taanakkaran
Tamizh played the roles of director and writer of this movie. SR Prakash, Prabhu P Gopinath, Babu SR, and Thanga Prabaharan R bankrolled the movie under Potential Studios production company.
The movie stars Vikram Prabhu in the lead role, along with Anjali Nair, M. S. Bhaskar, Lal, and Madhusudan Rao as the supporting actors.
Taanakkaran movie: Download
The Taanakkaran movie can be downloaded on Disney+ Hotstar with a paid subscription.
OT platforms offer HD quality videos that can be downloaded and watched at any time