After 11 years, Super Star Mahesh Babu and director Trivikram Srinivas joined hands together for their third movie. Tentatively titled, SSMB 28 was officially launched in the first week of February 2024.
From the last couple of days, rumors have been sparkled online that the Kollywood star actor Vikram is doing a special role in this movie. But, today, the personal manager of Vikram took Twitter and condemned this news. He also requested the media houses to get clarity before publishing news. Hence, it is clear that Vikram is not a part of Mahesh Babu’s high-budget movie.
Pooja Hegde is playing opposite Mahesh in the movie. The movie is produced by Radha Krishna under Haarika & Hassine Creations and the music will be composed by Thaman S. The first schedule of SSMB 28 will begin in April 2024.