The Center has chosen to give Y-class security to twelve BJP pioneers in Bihar amid vicious fights against the Agnipath plot. Dissenters have consumed trains and vandalised public property, requesting a rollback of the military enrollment plot. BJP pioneers who have been given CRPF security include state BJP President Sanjay Jaiswal, both Deputy CMs Tarkishore Prasad and Renu Devi, BJP MLAs Haribhushan Thakur, Sanjay Saraogi, Sanjeev Chaurasiya, Gopal Jee Thakur, and BJP MLCs Ashok Agarwal and Dilip Jaiswal.
The Center took the choice after the homes of state BJP boss Sanjay Jaiswal and Deputy Chief Minister Renu Devi were gone after by furious nonconformists in Bettiah on Friday. Following this, Jaiswal went after the Nitish Kumar government, asserting that during the Agnipath fights, only BJP pioneers were specifically designated in Bihar. He likewise asserted that the police didn’t make the smallest attempt to stop the crowd during the assaults. A BJP office in Nawada was likewise vandalised by dissenters.
Bihar has seen the most awful of the seething fights against the Agnipath plot, as rampaging crowds put a match to many rail line mentors, motors, and stations and burnt BJP workplaces, vehicles, and other property. More than 200 trains have been dropped in the state as nonconformists target rail route stations and train tracks. Internet providers have been suspended in 12 of Bihar’s 38 regions.